Error Codes

Error Code Type Message
AdRequestFailedWithException 100 Network / Request “VIS.X: Ad request has failed due to an exception. See stack trace for additional information.”
AdRequestTimeout 101 Network / Request “VIS.X: Ad was requested, but did not receive respond in time. Check the network connection and try again.”
AdRequestServerIssue 102 Network / Request “VIS.X: Ad was requested, but server has responded with HTTP Status Code 5xx. Try again later.”
AdRequestBadResponse 103 Network / Request “VIS.X: Ad was requested, but server has responded with HTTP Status Code 4xx. Please ensure proper integration and try again. If this error remains, get in touch with YOC to validate your integration.”
AdResponseFailedWithException 200 Network / Response “VIS.X: Ad response has failed due to an exception. See stack trace for additional information.”
AdResponsetInvalidJSON 201 Network / Response “VIS.X: Ad response contains malformed JSON. Get in touch with YOC to validate your integration.”
AdResponseWithNoAd 202 Network / Response “VIS.X: There is no ad to show. If available, mediation will be initiated.”
AdMediationFailedWithException 300 Mediation “VIS.X: Mediation has failed due to an exception. See stack trace for additional information.”
AdMediationTimeout 301 Mediation “VIS.X: Mediation Partner did not receive respond in time and will be skipped.”
AdMediationClassNotFound 302 Mediation “VIS.X: Mediation object received, but the class is not found in your project. Please get in touch with YOC for additional support.”
AdMediationWithNoAd 303 Mediation “VIS.X: Mediation was activated, but there is no ad to show.”
AdRenderingFailedWithException 400 Rendering “VIS.X: Initiating the AdView and / or WebView has failed due to an exception. See stack trace for additional information.”
AdViewFailedWithException 500 Lifecycle “VIS.X: VisxAdView and / or WebView has crashed due to an exception. See stack trace for additional information.”
AdViewHasExpired 501 Lifecycle “VIS.X: Ad has been rendered but impression is already expired. Please make sure to display called ads within expiration timeout. Get in touch with YOC additional support.”
InterstitialWasInterrupted 503 Lifecycle “VIS.X: Interstitial started to be loaded, but was was interrupted to finish properly.”