VIS.X® SDK for iOS v4.1.0:

New Features
  • Optional Header Bidding Support
  • Optional Lazy Loading Support
  • Improved support for SwiftUI
  • New minimum target is iOS 13
  • Possibilities to restrict resizing after the creative has rendered
Patch Notes: v4.1.1
  • Values Set by the publisher in RN are not considered FIXED
Patch Notes: v4.1.2
  • YOC Branded Takeover going into Safe Area FIXED
Patch Notes: v4.1.3
  • YOC Branded Takeover constraints FIXED
Patch Notes: v4.1.4
  • Added: Privacy Manifest
  • Update: OM SDK 4.1.13
Patch Notes: v4.1.5
  • ITMS-91055: Invalid API reason declaration FIXED

Date of Release: 2024-05-08

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v4.0.0:

New Features
  • Introduction of VIS.X® AI into the VIS.X® SDK
  • Ads have proper sizes and effects before being rendered
  • Ad life cycle handling is greatly reduced for the publisher
  • Ad size definition is aligned with industry standards
  • Ad container will automatically collapse on onFailedToLoad()
  • Ad container will listen to changes in the view hierarchy and recalculate available space
  • Introduction of closures as a complementary to delegates
  • New Formats: Banner can become sticky on the bottom and top positions to reach viewability goals. They will automatically convert to inline when closed or back on screen.
  • Regular sticky ads no longer need to be integrated inline
  • New Callbacks for partial overlays, such as sticky ads
  • Interstitials can be launched from inline positions if the publisher explicitly asks for them (deactivated by default)
  • Deprecation: AppDomain, VisxAdSize
  • Refactor Header Bidding mechanisms
  • Performance Improvements for YOC Understitial Ad®, YOC Branded Takeover, YOC Mystery Scroller®
  • OM SDK: Measurement Improvements for YOC Understitial Ad®, YOC Branded Takeover, YOC Mystery Scroller®
  • OM SDK: Publisher can declare friendly obstruction
  • Mediation: Logs are only available when Mediation is activated
  • Expired ads will no longer be displayable, a new ad call needs to be made
Bug Fixes
  • Several minor bugs FIXED
Patch Notes: v4.0.1
  • Init methods unavailable in objective-c due to optionals FIXED
  • Mediation in UICollectionView not working FIXED
  • inlineToSticky invoking sticky effect again, once closed FIXED

Date of Release: 2022-07-07

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v3.2.0:

New Features
  • Open Measurement SDK upgraded to version 1.4.2
Patch Notes: v3.2.1
  • UICollectionView is not supported for Mediation FIXED

Date of Release: 2022-06-08

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v3.1.0:

New Features
  • Improved SwiftUI, React Native and Flutter support
Patch Notes: v3.1.1
  • VisxSDK is build with swift-compiler-version: 5.6.1

Date of Release: 2022-11-24

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v3.0.0:

New Features
  • Added landscape and tablet support for inline and interstitial placements
  • Added rotation support for inline-placements
  • Added a dedicated VisxCollectionViewCell for UICollectionView, same as VisxTableViewCell for UITableView
  • Added an observer to listen for changes in static UI elements such as NavigationBars, that may overlay creatives
  • Added measures to reassure correct adContainer sizes, in case the app reports incorrect sizes, allowing creatives to display correct nonetheless
  • AppStoreUrl has now an option to be set from YOC backend, in case publisher miss proving the information themselves
  • First-Party IDs: Publisher can use their own UUID-Namespace to securely hash their IDs
  • Remote Configuration: Added “app orientation” as conditional check
  • Remote Configuration: Added flexible expiration time (default: 6 hours)
  • MRAID: Aligned some VIS.X® proprietary features with MRAID standards
  • MRAID: Indicate AppOrientation instead of DeviceOrientation
  • MRAID: Removed support for “calendar”, createCalendarEvent is no longer supported
  • MRAID: Major refactor, to reassure MRAID 3.0 compliancy
  • Performance in communication between creatives and SDK improved siginificantly
  • Creatives receive a WARNING if they overwhelm communication and redundant calls are muted
  • Improved visible view calculation for creatives, that are not expanded in full width
  • Major improvements for onScrollEventListener in UITableView for inline placements
  • Creatives can check if onScrollEventListener are registered
  • YOC Branded Takeover: Effect is disabled if main creative is already a sticky ad
  • YOC Understitial Ad: Major performance and reliabilty improvement when multiple ads are displayed on a single screen
  • YOC Inline Video Ad: The event of finishing a video will no longer close the ad placement automatically
  • Minor improvements for React Native, SwiftUI
  • Mediation: Refresh of Ad Units from VIS.X® when served via mediation is restricted
  • Mediation: Added support for new Google Custom Events for Google Ads SDK 9.0+
  • Open Measurement SDK: Updated to 1.3.31
Bug Fixes
  • Interstitial may call for additional WebViews FIXED
  • mraid.expand leaving floating close button in rare conditions FIXED
  • Remote Configurations: lastRefreshDate not persisted FIXED
  • Remote Configurations fails if child has no setup FIXED
  • YOC Understitial sometimes loosing understitial effect if too many on scren FIXED
  • Creatives overwhelming JS Bridge, if layout constraints are incorrect FIXED
  • Reportings of VIS.X® SDK version actually being App Version FIXED

Date of Release: 2022-06-30

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v2.3.0:

New Features
  • We have fundamentally revised the logging capabilities of the SDK: Developers now have visibility into the complete lifecycle of the ad in their console. Remote logging rollout is completed and the YOC service team is able to collect and provide logs for live apps, if remote configuration is enabled by the publisher.
  • In-App Header Bidding: Added currency support
  • YOC Branded Takeover: Sticky creative keeps closed, if closed by a user
  • YOC Branded Takeover: Added technical requirements for shared viewability tracking between both creatives
  • Added support for multiple keyWindows for iOS 13+
  • Mediation: VIS.X® SDK will share key-value targetings with Google Mobile Ads SDK (require update of adapter files)
  • Added VisxCollectionViewCell, as a convenient way to integrate the VIS.X® SDK inside UICollectionView
  • Ad call expiration have new timeouts: 15 minutes for banners, 30 minutes for interstitials
  • VIS.X® Ad Unit ID can be overriden from YOC backend (requires Remote Configuration)
  • Minor refactor MRAID methods
  • Minor performance improvement for YOC Universal Ad Units
Bug Fixes
  • Minor YOC Understitial positioning issues FIXED
  • Viewability issues when VIS.X® SDK is called via Google Custom Events FIXED

Date of Release: 2022-04-11

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v2.2.0:

New Features
  • Remote Configuration: In the future, we will be able to configure certain features on the backend side and, if necessary, fix incorrect settings in the SDK configuration without the need for an additional release. This includes configuration of the Ad Unit, the Mediation Setup and Ad Format specific features and effects.
  • Remote Logging: YOC support can create diagnostic data when needed after the app is released and live and independently validate the full functionality of the SDK at any time
  • Updated Delegate Methods: The SDK’s callbacks to the app have been made more granular to better meet the diverse needs of app publishers. At the same time, some Delegate Methods have been renamed to more accurately reflect their function.
  • Improved Error Events: visxAdDidFailWithError now provides a variety of dedicated error codes and detailed messages on how to handle them. Error events now cover the complete lifecycle of the ad (from request to close).
  • In-App Headerbidding (closed BETA): In a first iteration we allow selected publishers to test the planned in-app header bidding solution of our VIS.X® SDK.
  • Improved Safety Checks, Code Optimization, Refactor
  • Performance improvements for cross platform frameworks such as React Native
Bug Fixes
  • A rare memory leak, caused by the removal of a subview from UIWindow FIXED
  • SwiftUI: Interstitial unclosesable if called just before a controller change FIXED
  • Constraint violation for YOC Understitial Ad® if available space is too small FIXED
  • Several minor bugs has been FIXED
Patch Notes: v2.2.1
  • MediationHandler could crash the App if ClassNotFound FIXED
  • Understitial minor improvement
Patch Notes: v2.2.2
  • Allow viewability for Simple Banner integration

Date of Release: 2022-03-24

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v2.1.0

New Features
  • New Ad Format: YOC Branded Takeover
  • The YOC Universal Ad Unit is now as easy to integrate and no longer require additional development effort
  • Providing AdSize on init is now optional
  • Every inline banner position is now a YOC Universal Ad Unit per default
  • Deprecated init methods for a more convenient integration
  • YOC Understitial Ad® no longer requires UIScrollView, UITableView to work
  • Expiration timeout for both banner and interstitial has been extended
  • AdViews now deinit automatically, no more delegate method needed
  • Limited Ad Tracking is now based on ATT Authorized Status
  • Delegate visxAdDidClose now called, once YOC Inline Video is finished, allowing Cross-Platform environments to close the placement
  • Significant improvements in CPU and Memory Usage
  • Major Refactor
Bug Fixes
  • YOC Mystery Scroller®: Major display bug FIXED
  • Mediation: Minor Bugs with Google, Smart Mediation FIXED
  • MRAID Support: Minor Bugs with expand(), resize() FIXED
  • Minor Constraints Issues with YOC Understital Ad® FIXED
  • Certain types of non-mraid ClickURL not linking out FIXED
Patch Notes: v2.1.1
  • KVO used in volumeChange causing crash on rare conditions FIXED
Patch Notes: v2.1.2
  • Constraint Issues with manual YOC Understitial FIXED

Date of Release: 2022-02-17

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v2.0.0

New Features
  • The VIS.X® SDK has been completely reworked and migrated to Swift. This has significantly improved the performance and security of the SDK
  • Added SwiftUI support for the YOC Universal Ad Unit
  • Integration of YOC Universal Ad Unit gets easier, providing the ScrollView is still recommended, but can be skipped
  • Improved constraint handling for the YOC Understitial Ad® and smoother scrolling
  • Improved layout hierachy for VisxAdView
  • Improved Mediation Handling
  • Added support for First Party Ids and IDFV when IDFA is not available
  • Expiration Timeout for Interstitial has been increased from 5 to 30 minutes
Bug Fixes
  • MRAID 3.0: Minor Bugs FIXED
  • VisxAdView holding strong reference FIXED
API Changes

For VisxAdView

  • Renamed .scrollDidScroll() to .scrollViewDidScroll(scrollview)
  • Renamed .setInAppTargetParameters(params) to .loadWithCustomTargetingParameters(params)
  • Deprecated .adheight, please use .frame.size.height

For VisxAdViewDelegate

  • Renamed Delegates, the full list is available here
  • Deprecated appShouldSuspendForAd, please consider removal
  • Deprecated appShouldResumeFromAd, please consider removal
Patch Notes: v2.0.1
  • Added additional logging for specific mraid-features
  • Upgraded Open Measurement SDK to version 1.3.23
  • VisxSDK 2.0.0 not buildable on Xcode 13 FIXED
  • Swift reporting missing header files FIXED
Patch Notes: v2.0.2
  • Open Measurement SDK regression FIXED
Patch Notes: v2.0.3
  • Bitcode enabled
Patch Notes: v2.0.4
  • Specific URL Scheme not clicking out properly FIXED
Patch Notes: v2.0.5
  • Auto-Deallocation of the VisxAdView on SwiftUI to improve performance and memory usage

Date of Release: 2021-11-12

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v1.5.0

New Features
  • Added multiple and easier ways to integrate the VIS.X® SDK for iOS
  • Added support for auto-detecting the parent ScrollView if not provided
  • Providing a fixed AdSize for YOC Universal Ad Unit becomes optional
  • Conforming to VIS.X® Delegate Methods becomes optional
  • Added support for YOC Mystery Scroller® from inline positions (Inline-To-Sticky)
  • Mediation: didFailWithError will only be called once, at the end of the waterfall
Bug Fixes
  • Minor Bug Fixes
Patch Notes: v1.5.1
  • Allow Custom Background for Interstitial
  • Interstitial Delegates FIXED
  • Inline-To-Sticky Minor Issues FIXED
  • companion webView cannot be removed FIXED
Patch Notes: v1.5.2
  • Interstitial Close Button on iPhone X to high FIXED
  • Interstitial swipe down issues FIXED
  • exposureChange visibleRectangle calculation FIXED
  • appShouldSuspend, appShouldResume delegates FIXED

Date of Release: 2021-07-13

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v1.4.0

New Features
  • Added support for YOC Universal Ad for Mediation with Google, Xandr and Smart
  • Improved constraint handling and layouting for VisxAdView
Bug Fixes
  • getDefaultPosition in combination with AdvertisingLabel FIXED
  • VisxAdViewDelegate was holding strong reference FIXED

Date of Release: 2021-05-17

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v1.3.0

New Features
  • Added support for YOC Mystery Scroller® and Reactive Scrolling
  • Added Key-Value Targeting
  • Added support for multiple YOC Understitial
  • Added mediation support for Xandr
  • Added mediation support for Smart
  • Updated OM SDK to latest version
  • Minor improvements for MRAID 3.0
  • Minor improvements for VIS.X® Communication
Bug Fixes
  • Null Island Bug FIXED
  • Inline Video steals audio focus FIXED
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Date of Release: 2021-03-19

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v1.2.0

New Features
  • Full MRAID 3.0 support
  • Refactor Controllers, Removed Animation, Minor Improvements  
Bug Fixes
  • Minor Bug Fixes
Patch Notes v1.2.1
  • Added missing Delegates for visxAdDidPresentScreen, visxAdWasTapped
  • Open Measurement SDK sending out wrong Version and Partnername FIXED
  • iOS 14.4 related issued with Mediation FIXED
  • Performance issues with JS execution FIXED
  • Deprecated support for TCF 1.1

Date of Release: 2021-02-11

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v1.1.0

New Features
  • VisxAdView is wrapped in a VisxAdViewWrapper for better auto-layouting
  • Improved how publisher can take control over positioning the Ad Container on their own
  • Publisher can setup an Advertisement Markup using the SDK
  • Added MRAID 3.0 support for: MRAID_ENV, audioVolumeChange, unload(), getLocation(), overall improvement of stateChanges such as expand(), resize(), close()  
Bug Fixes
  • exposureChange not accurate under certain conditions FIXED
  • several constraints issues FIXED

Date of Release: 2020-12-18

VIS.X® SDK for iOS v1.0.0

New Features
  • Initial Release

Date of Release: 2020-10-21