VIS.X® is Secondary

The secondary SDK is the SDK that the publisher wants to fall back to when there is no own demand provided by their primary ad server. This SDK is added to the app but not fully integrated and set up. Additionally, it provides some “mediation files”, that allow communication between the primary SDK and the secondary SDK.

  1. Adapter Overview
  2. Integration Guide: Google
Adapter Overview

VIS.X® SDK delivers high-priced, high-impact ad formats powered by YOC. This works best in case VIS.X® has an exclusive placement in the app or at least can make the first call. In this scenario, VIS.X® SDK can deliver all its features and ad formats.

Using VIS.X® SDK as a secondary SDK requires the VIS.X® Ad Unit to conform with regular IAB banner formats of the primary SDK. Unfortunately, this does not work with all YOC Ad Products in all cases due to the limitation of the primary SDK.

Integration Guide: Google

Mediation between VIS.X® SDK and Google Mobile Ads SDK is realized using the Google Yield Groups and CustomEvents in your Google Ad Manager UI.

Following the needed steps to integrate VIS.X® SDK with Google Mobile Ads SDK as your primary SDK.

1. Implement VIS.X® SDK in your app

To use mediation, the VIS.X® SDK needs to be added to your app as a dependency. There is no further configuration or activation required.

2. Implement VIS.X® SDK CustomEvents in your app

Next, the mediation class files need to be added to your project, that are required for the communication between Google Mobile Ads SDK and VIS.X® SDK.

For Android, the CustomEvents files are available here.

Make sure they are placed into the package com.yoc.visx.sdk.mediation.

For iOS, the CustomEvents files are available here.

3. Google Ad Manager configuration

Set up YOC as a Yield Partner within your Google Ad Manager and create a new Yield Group using CustomEvents. Please also check the Google documentation for the usage of “Custom Events”:

Following the needed configuration in the Custom Event setup:

Integration Type Field Description
Banner className (Android) com.yoc.visx.sdk.mediation.VISXCustomEventBannerGMA
Banner className (iOS) VISXCustomEventBannerGMA
Interstitial className (Android) com.yoc.visx.sdk.mediation.VISXCustomEventInterstitialGMA
Interstitial className (iOS) VISXCustomEventInterstitialGMA
Both Label Free of choice, depending on your reporting needs
Both Parameter key-value String, separated by semicolon
e.g. auid=123456;size=300x250

auid: Your VIS.X® Ad Unit, as provided by your YOC Account Manager
size: The main size of the Google Ads Container in the format <width>x<height>, e.g. 300x250 for a mobile rectangle