React Native

VIS.X® SDK for React Native v1.4.0:

New Features
  • New Feature: Header Bidding and Lazy Loading option
  • New Feature: Google Mediation Support
  • XCFramework shipped via npm
  • Dependency Upgrades
  • Minor issues on iOS FIXED
Patch Notes: v1.4.1
  • Google Dependencies (iOS) FIXED

Date of Release: 2024-02-02

VIS.X® SDK for React Native v1.3.0:

New Features
  • Compatibility with VIS.X® SDK for Android 4+ & VIS.X® SDK for iOS 4+
Patch Notes: v1.3.1
  • Corrupted File FIXED
Patch Notes: v1.3.2
  • Added checks if interstitial is finishing (Android)

Date of Release: 2023-10-06

VIS.X® SDK for React Native v1.2.0:

New Features
  • VISX_EVENT will include auid for improved event separation
  • onAdSizeChange to provide width, height and auid
  • iOS: Introduction of VisxAdContainerView to manage multiple Ad Units within RCTViewManager

Date of Release: 2023-05-30

VIS.X® SDK for React Native v1.1.0:

New Features
  • Key-Value Targeting
  • Mediation Support
  • Interstitial: Prefetching, Load and Display Separation
  • Interstitial: Custom Background Color
  • Alternative / First-Party ID Support
  • Remote Configuration and Logging
  • Improvements for Open Measurements SDK (Version 1.4.1)
  • Minor Improvements and Refactors

Date of Release: 2023-03-29

VIS.X® SDK for React Native v1.0.0:

New Features
  • Initial Release

Date of Release: 2023-01-20