Annex: Tables

Aggregation Fields (Dimensions)

Field Name Type Description Example
date String Date (Y-m-d) when metrics were gathered. “2021-11-01”
company_id Integer YOC Company identifier 106
company_name String YOC subsidiary company name “YOC Central Eastern Europe GmbH”
country String Alpha-2 code according to the ISO 3166 “DE”
sap_publisher_account_id Integer Credit Notes identifier of a partner 50001234
sap_publisher_name String Credit Notes name of a partner “Publisher GmbH”
publisher_visx_id Integer Unique identifier in the VIS.X platform for the top-level inventory item 5717
publisher_name String Top-level inventory item name “DE_Demo_Publisher”
site_visx_id Integer Unique identifier in the VIS.X platform for the site level 90340
site_name String Site name “Demo_Site”
ad_unit_visx_id Integer Unique identifier in the VIS.X platform for the Ad Unit level 915502
ad_unit_name String Ad Unit name “center_HB”


Field Name Type Description Example
is_publisher_campaign Boolean True if a campaign belongs to the client false
total_traffic Integer Total volume of avails which VIS.X has received from a publisher, represents also approximate number of ad requests 100000
ad_requests Integer The number of ad requests received for a given time period 10000
impressions Integer The number of ad requests which led to the display of an ad 1000
views Integer Impressions that have been seen by a user 100
clicks Integer The number of clicks recorded for a given time period 10
vtr_imps Integer Impressions eligible for VTR calculation 500
ctr_imps Integer Impressions eligible for CTR calculation 500
vtr_percent Float View-Through Rate; indicates the rate of viewable impressions to impressions (based on the vtr_imps) in %

(100 * views / impressions)
ctr_percent Float Click-Through Rate; indicates the rate of clicks to impressions (based on the ctr_imps) in %

(100 * clicks / impressions)
billable_events Integer The number of events (such as impressions, clicks and views) that effectively generated payout 1000
fill_rate_percent Float The percentage of utilized capacity (ad requests) for a given time period

(100 * impressions / total_traffic)
cpm_EUR Float Effective cost per thousand monetized events for a given amount of inventory and time period in EUR 12.3456
cpm_PLN Float Effective cost per thousand monetized events for a given amount of inventory and time period in PLN 52.8890
cpm_CHF Float Effective cost per thousand monetized events for a given amount of inventory and time period in CHF 11.9678
cpm_SEK Float Effective cost per thousand monetized events for a given amount of inventory and a time period in SEK 143.3456
cpm_USD Float Effective cost per thousand monetized events for a given amount of inventory and a time period in USD 13.4456
pub_payout_net_EUR Float Publisher revenue in EUR 1000.0125
pub_payout_net_PLN Float Publisher revenue in PLN 4283.4567
pub_payout_net_CHF Float Publisher revenue in CHF 968.8980
pub_payout_net_SEK Float Publisher revenue in SEK 11610.7323
pub_payout_net_USD Float Publisher revenue in USD 1088.9012