Advanced Reporting

As mentioned in the basic reporting section request body can contain various properties, such as query, page, page_size, sort, group_by and data_fields. This will allow you to generate advanced custom reports, suiting your very own business logic.

Body Properties

Body Property Description
query Used to specify filter.
You can find more information in the next paragraph below.
Used to iterate over the result data set.
The maximum value for page_size is 500.
group_by Specifies columns for the aggregation
data_fields Specifies a list of metrics to return.
See annex for all available metrics
sort Used to order your data. It accepts an array of fields.
- Prepend “+” to a field name to request ascending order.
- Prepend “-” to a field name to request descending order.

By default, descending order is used.

Understanding Filters

A query filter can be complex and combine logical or, and and in operators and different comparison methods.

Comparison Methods
Field Name Description
eq Equals
gt Greater than
lt Lower than
gte Greater or equal
lte Lower or equal
neq Not equal
like Should contain a given substring, also supports % as a wildcard to specify left/right match
notLike Should not contain a given substring, also supports % to specify left/right match
Example Usage for Query Property
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer your-access-token' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "query": {
        "and": [{
	        "gte": {
	            "date": "2021-09-01"
      	}, {
	        "eq": {
	    }, {
	        "in": {
	            "site_visx_id": [5067, 6078]
	    }, {
	    "or": [{
		    "eq": {
	    }, {
		    "like": {
		        "ad_unit_name": "center" 
	    }, {
		    "notLike": {
		        "ad_unit_name": "%_HB" 

Combining Body Properties

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer your-access-token' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"query": {
	    "and": [
		"gte": {
		    "date": "2021-09-01"
	"page_size": 25,
    "page": 1,
	"sort": [
	"group_by": [
	"data_fields": [